Both sides have a lot of work to do, you guys. Both the president elect of the United States of America, and a person who made a comment on a blog.
Overwatch is a far bigger universe than just the game, so you’re whole point about how it’s just a game doesn’t hold any water.
I think it is important for media where the message that “anyone can be a hero” to actually live up to that thesis.
Can I just say that all these comments are giving me life as a queer trans person who worked very hard to make sure that the salvation army in my town did not get the additional permanent funding (for all the pearl clutchers, we just redirected the money to groups that ACTUALLY HELP ALL PEOPLE) that they asked for.
What if people had given to a different charity that could have helped her without all the conditional limitations on who they’re willing to help that the Salvation Army has? Wouldn’t that be better?
The Salvation Army literally chooses not to save the lives of other people because of who they are. Perhaps you can extend your concerns beyond your immediate family. Perhaps not.
Well, according to one of my facebook friends, this:
No puppet.
You provide your ID or proof of residency when you register. Then when you get to the polls you just give them your name and sign a piece of paper and they hand you your ballot. The voter ID is an additional, intrusive step into the process, making it harder to vote when we should be making it easier.
When real support leaves because of this, then sure report.
Yeah, why would anyone care about politics, it’s not like it affects people’s lives or anything.
I wouldn’t call Insomniac Games a two-man team.
Well see, his job is literally to tell people information they don’t know that might be interesting to them, particularly in the realm of the video game industry and a few other particular areas.
“Keep your politics to yourself.”
Getting rich is rarely as simple as having a great idea and a strong work ethic, or more people would be rich. Even if it was that simple, no economy would be able to support that many millionaires and billionaires. There’s only so much money to go around. This man was blessed with plenty of advantages and…
Max Zorin was right.
And all the gay people and minorities whose rights will be savagely and in some cases violently curtailed are less important than settling a score with a women who has more money nwo than you will earn in your entire life and has already achieved more than you ever could?
I’m 66 years old. I became a feminist when I was 5, and my older sister was told she could “join” a model airplane club my father belonged to. She could pay dues, but not attend meetings or meet because she was a girl.(My father promptly “unjoined” that club!) I’ve been waiting 61 years for today.
My favorite definition of “progressive” is “agrees with me on all issues that I consider important to being a progressive”.