I would eat this.
I would eat this.
What is a strawburrito? Google was no help.
I kind of thought this particular one sounded like a case of a tryhard doofus, not necessarily an egregiously stupid customer. Also it’s not like he tried to get anyone fired.
What monitor am that?
I am freaking out right now. This is too beautiful. Too perfect.
I would do heinous things for a Vanquish 2. Hay-nuss.
This ending done gave me the shivers.
We gotta get you to the hospital.
What in the what.
I just want a game with Sam Neill as the villain. Without eyes. And bald and naked. My tastes are very niche.
Really thought this was gonna be a game based on the Paul W.S. Anderson movie, and I was delighted at the notion of a video game being made out of one of his films. Specifically that one.
fairly off topic, but after i moved away for college, my parents adopted a miniature schnauzer to fill their emptying nest. they named it ted, and i never understood why.