My thought process is such that taking a wallet is stealing. Taking something that can never be complained about being gone is just smart.
My thought process is such that taking a wallet is stealing. Taking something that can never be complained about being gone is just smart.
Total mistake. She should have just kept it. The baggie, not the wallet.
Their point is that if you don't vilify the feelings, only the actions, people will be able to get treatment or support before they physically act on their feelings.
Assuming from your username she could have gone to Appollo's and got a savory Gyro or something. Cake is not delicious.
Hopefully its Colin Farrell using his real accent!
Because some of them wouldn't. There aren't enough to go around, but their are enough that sugardaddy dating sites exists.
Well compared to the guy with the same job, but a wife and kids.
Maybe culturally, but it doesn't really lead to good health.
Yikes, I couldn't imagine being a poor single 50 year old. You spend so much less as a single old dude.
My point is that unwrinkled skin is a pretty universal beauty norm.
Eh, its because black people's skin ages substantially better.
Its because a single guy at fifty who is even remotely successful without kids is super rich. So they do what they want.
They picked her up from a "honey pot" shot at a soccer. That isn't exactly much vetting.
So much lettuce or flow depending on which part of the country you are from. I bet he has a dope collection of pinnies.
Hey man, why don't you chill out, grow out your lettuce and just hang!
If the one percent were driving ten year old Kompressor Mercedez, car culture would be a sad, sad place.
Its the morning routine from American Pyscho.
That's not a bar of soap so it doesn't make sense in the situation of junk face.
We already have these recliners and they aren't straight up, hence the term recliner.