
He explained because she walking in the middle of the road, which is against the law, so the id was asked for.

When you are stopped for breaking a law you do.

Its important for peeing. So rather valuable. I don't have any. I wasn't saying its not shitty she lost it, but losing something that loses function in a few more years and doesn't leave visible changes isn't the worst accidental removal.

I pulled off the label to not let anyone know. Is high levels of anxiety a masculine trait? It does lead to Bourne-esque hypervigilence, but none of his physical abilities.

Axe does have one scented body wash that is both subtle and masculine. I think its called Anarchy! The name is awful, but it has notes of vanilla, sandalwood, and a few other things. Their hype is awful, but occasionally they mistakenly create a good product.

Its true, the big ones do more stuff.

All of your examples would visibly change the person's appearance. I've had an appendix removed before, no separation anxiety. Also, I'd be 100%okay with losing testes assuming they were replace with fake ones and testosterone shots. Granted, I have as many kids as I want already.

Is it even a reproductive organ at 48? At that point, I just assumed it was responsible for hormones and that's about it.

Serious question, what is the value of a Uterus to a 48 year old? Its passed child bearing years and they make meds to combat the (slightly) early menopause.

Hot mom check in!

Almost all protesters are harassers. Think about it. Yeah its horrible, but legally, the ruling makes perfect sense.

Probably everyone, but HR. Either way, it seems like you couldn't really track this change until you get women and minorities to start STEM educations. This is basically a 20 year process.

Seriously, the white chef at Benihana? Nightmare!

Fusion literally means not authentic. Its a mixture between two cultures. Do you have to be biracial to effectively work in a fusion restaurant?

Is the good reason that Cab unions get officials elected? Professional driver just means you paid for a special license plate. Its not like there is training to be a belligerent cab driver.

It tells you beforehand. You just have to look at your phone for minimums and multipliers.

It sucks because it is expensive. It doesn't suck that they deserve more. Does that make more sense?

Maybe their US crimes. Half of the cab drivers are from places where record keeping at best has birth certificates. Do you think their foreign criminal records are scanned?

Millions of rides with a few problems describes pretty much any situation where you have people interacting with people.

Rampant infestation works too.