
Most good comedy come from a dark pained place. Poors should get humor better.

As a guy who sold plasma regularly in college, I thought this was hilarious.

What would you call it? Since its women's right to choose, it can't be called anything other than a choice.

Or immigrants, which we have quite a few (not meant to be a bad thing).

It's okay, my mother doesn't have great reading comprehension either. You keep projecting what you think I mean instead of what I say. That should work out great for you.

No, but a majority of Europe does compared to GDP. They are the closest equivalents and who we judge ourselves against.

No read the entire post. You would have to be vested in the company before maternity leave (ie a year of service before you have a kid, then after your first maternity leave another year before you can use it again). Read a little and you might learn something.

Your argument is that employees can chip in and cover the responsibilities. I called bullshit and you are being disingenuous in your assumptions either it will cost the employee double or stress out the current ftes.

I'm paid commensurately for the 60 hours. If that jumped up to 90, it would no longer be commensurate.

Groomsmen give the same gift they would give at a regular wedding. They do pay for the bachelor party. Depending on what you do, it could get pricey, it usually isn't too bad. Sub $500 in my experience.

Yeah, I am paid salary. IE I don't get overtime. I work about 60 hours a week. I don't plan on taking up .5 of someone elses 60 hour week so they can have the luxury of having a kid.

Yeah its pretty audacious for your company to expect you to prep your replace given that you have at least 6 months prepare material for them. God forbid you have some agency to make decisions with you health care. Good luck with the baby, but you are getting something very few American get, quit whining.

It can be abused by having a perpetually pregnant employee. My guidance counselor in college had 4 kids in a row each with a 9 month maternity leave. In my entire college career, she worked 12 months and was paid for 4 years. There should be a limit on # of times used or your vesting period for maternity leave

I believe the OP's point is that even though they take money for social security taxes from everyone with a paycheck, if in the end, you receive more in credit/subsidies/etc than you pay in, you still aren't "paying" taxes.

Except when you are gone for 6 - 20 weeks, you have to replace integral personnel anyway. If you don't need someone to fill in for you while you are gone, you probably shouldn't have been at the company in the first place.

Except most companies (if you have a job that actually needs done) would have to replace an employee if someone was gone for two weeks. My company just hired someone to fill in for the women on maternity leave. That person will be let go when she comes back. Even if they are better at the position. How does that save

Two years for a lifestyle choice is obnoxious.

Those countries have even worse debt than us.

The original was edited from assault to DUI. My only point was to correct the facts. Not trying to alleviate judgement.

No they specifically said they would beat man ranked under 200 (200-500). Then they played the guy who was ranked 209 and he killed them both (at tennis, not actual murder).