
Its because she didn't have flashers and willfully stopped in the fast lane of the highway. If it was an accident, she couldn't be at fault as her car doesn't have agency, she does. My understanding was that the bikes were behind a truck, the truck switched lanes and the bikes didn't realize it switched lanes for the

Maybe, but this isn't even a blurb. I don't need my hand held, I just want a little bit of work for my click through.

There are tons of reason to visit places, but journalism isn't usually my reason. I visit place for fun or activities or learning potentially, but a news site isn't a place I go to be redirected to something else.

I disagree with their beliefs, but people can genuinely believe that sort of shit.

Don't be intellectually disingenuous. When your option is doing something or being punished, you are doing something under duress. That's not a real choice.

Thank you for a clear, unbiased representation of the case. This is the type of analysis that would be great for the author to provide.

Do they believe in contraceptive use at all? If they don't, their argument is valid on a logic stance even if their information is wrong. I don't agree with them, but if they believe sex is only for procreation, then covering it would be against their beliefs.

I read news so I don't have to go to the source. Isn't that extra great? For example, I don't go to Nigeria and ask around to find out about missing girls. I don't visit a klan rally to figure out if they are racist. I don't visit the South Side of Chicago to figure out that poverty and gang violence aren't great.

Erin, could you give me a run down on the Fact vs Hobby Lobby? What are their arguments?

Dessert is mixing cherry skoal with vanilla skoal. Also known as dessert dip.

Worse isn't really quantifiable. For instance some people feel that ruined lungs are worse than ruined mouth. I get your point, but as someone who recently quit, all the deleterious effects of dip cleared up in a few months (gums regrew, teeth cleaned up, etc.). My buddies who quit smoking recently still can't get

How were you not able to roll off the driving lanes?

This post-modern "don't judge anyone" attitude is really great except when it comes to people doing incredibly stupid things at risk to others, then we should judge away so everyone else knows how fucking stupid stopping for animals on a highway can be.

That makes substantially more sense. Mea culpa.

How many fingers do you have? (20s) is not an average hand.

I mean relationships are time consuming. I have about double the free time when I am single. This time is mostly spent napping and watching tv, but when I am dating, I have to spend an exhaustive amount of time learning about the other person. Also, single, I would never go to a wine tasting, art gallery,

Money and fame.

Plus most police dogs speak Polish or German. At least in my experience they are often trained abroad.

It will stop when everyone you know stops drinking or you become married (unless your hubby/wifey is in to it) or you have a horribly disfiguring accident that makes people not interested in you in that kinda way.

Well you can't exactly give tax breaks to people who don't pay taxes. So following the tax code isn't a break. The opportunities are there for everyone. It just doesn't make sense for a poor person to donate money as a write off because they pay no income taxes.