
Corporations aren't rich people, they are businesses, poor people have farms too, there is no rule again the poor making long term capital investments. Tax shelters aren't subsidies, they are legal tax avoidance. Also, for every person that has the ability to do most of these things, they are still paying more in


16 year old only have the emotional responsibility when it comes to accidents. Unless they are independently wealthy, their parent bare all the financial responsibility (not your stupid kia car payment, but the following lawsuit when you mow down some kids).

Interesting, what sort of subsidies would these be?

Really, municipality taxes in my city that are earmarked for social programs pay for the military? I should probably call someone about that.

Will the put the hand back on at the end of the probation? Otherwise your characterization of my argument is wrong.

Absolutely. As it happens, I don't have to pay extra taxes in my municipality to fund a rich kid's BMW. I do have to pay extra taxes to fund some poor person's 8th child. Should I support poor people making bad choices that disproportionally effect me?

All plea deals are exploitative and coercive. Look at all death penalty cases. They regularly give the defendant the option to plead guilty or we will try to kill you. This is way less intrusive than death and we as a society (not individually) have found that acceptable.

Yeah, but it is not cheap nor is it 100% effective.

No, this guy is the dad from Papa was a Rolling Stone. At a certain point, you should stop having kids you can't that you can't raise.

Coercion is absolutely fine. It is a huge part of the justice system. Example, the max is 10 years. We will pursue the max if you don't take this plea bargain. If you except, you get a year and probation.

Except they were doing it before the people had 3.5 times the national average of children that they couldn't afford. I would comfortably put the number at 2 kids before the government can intervene on your reproductive abilities (assuming the kids are also being fed, clothed, and paid for by the government). If the

All plea bargains are coercive. Some even use the threat of death. I am not sure how this one was any more coercive than the completely acceptable, "Plead guilty and the death penalty is off the table" that is used all the time.

Is it really a family if there are 7 kids with 7 women and they aren't sister wives?

It is really easy to not get into a position to be exploited by the government, don't break the law. He took the deal. Good for the prosecutor.

If the state has a role in paying for his current children as well as him (Prison is expensive), I think they should definitely offer the choice of him not fathering anymore children. As long as its a choice, I don't have a problem.

It does stop him from having future neglected children.

This van is CP for sure. If I wanted to look like a predator, I would just grow out my mustache.

"You don't have to choose one extreme or the other, but if you do, that's okay too."

Just remember to wear a helmet. When you Orlove your bike, you won't have a seat belt or roof protecting you.