The same analogy can be shrunk down to each group in their specific region, relationship etc. It still works.
The same analogy can be shrunk down to each group in their specific region, relationship etc. It still works.
He staged a puche, failed. Then got enough votes to become chancellor (a position with only a title, no power), then had all his opponents assassinated and claimed power. Its not exactly a political process.
Who's point am I misrepresenting? Otherwise, I am not sure how it is a straw man. Also the analogy is apt. People, who are part of a group that are individually mostly good as a collective cause a bunch of problems.
No, the idea that they claim the majority are peaceful, but are ineffectual at stopping the "tiny" minority from ruining it for everyone else.
Agreed, that is why I vote. I condemn there actions.
Should I pair it down into sects of Islam? If that works better, replace Muslim with Shiite or Sunni. The analogy is still apt.
You're using the No True Scotsman wrong.
"Comparing peaceful Muslims in 2014 to peaceful Germans under the reign of Hitler."
"Except for the school parking lot thing, I was the only one leaving cause I left early."
Driving safety is important. As it turns out, power-sliding a parking lot with cars in it, makes you an asshole.
You sound incredibly unsafe. Please stop drifting in public and do it where you won't kill someone.
If you are rich, you are part of the gentrification problem, yupster.
Actually, there are a lot of laws to protect people's feelings. They are usually anti discrimination laws. Yes the lawsuits is bullshit because the employer took the correct action, but if I decided to call every customer who walked through my doors a nigger or gook or kike, I would be in violation of the law.
You haven't applied for your minority status bigot spotting google glasses yet? It seems like you might be at fault for not intuiting someone's previously unillustrated faults! /sarcasm
Wait, are you telling me employers aren't omniscient? If that's the case, I can get back to mimosas for brunch with out them knowing!
It is a lot easier to shift the responsibility to others than to see the faults in loved ones. Having kids you can afford isn't some noble quest. It is a selfish choice. Societal problems aren't fixed through individuals amplifying those problems. As to child support, there could be many reasons. A bad lawyer, him…
Agreed, the first time you get a pass, Maybe she legit didn't know how it worked, but by the second time...fool me once, you know?
Yes your mom absolutely shouldn't have had a child on welfare. By definition, welfare means you can't take care of yourself. That is why the government has to give you money to live that without, you would be on the streets. I'm not saying poor people can't be great mothers, but they shouldn't be doing it on someone…
I won't stab you, but I understand the fear.
We aren't getting stupid compared to our parents generation, we are getting stupid compared to the world which is way worse.