
I want to make a similar number, but instead you get ESPN updates for sports. A girl gives me a fake number then boom, I get the scores of the current World Cup Game. That would be a total neutral for me. Oh well she seemed nice, but this is also really useful.

"Stop taking things so goddamn personally, you sound like a baby."

Its a good mix of what you said and people hating to disappoint someone to their face.

Good idea, I am glad nobody thought of that.

I would much rather be rejected to my face than think I made a connection with someone and it turns out they tricked me. Maybe I am odd, but I can take a firm, "no thanks" over a excited, "here you go" followed by a "Gotcha" moment.

Readily available doesn't matter when you have an entire generation right now with parents not caring enough to make sure they aren't truant.

Its a free app. What did you expect?

"If you've spent more than 15 minutes on OK Cupid, you've probably got a story about the man who sent unsolicited dick pics"

The easiest system would be, if you are receiving welfare, you shouldn't have kids. To get a welfare check, you must also get a BC shot. That way, if you want kids, you can focus on bettering yourself, getting off welfare, and having a family. No forced aborts, but free as an option. If you aren't responsible enough

The only difference is regulating reproductive freedom will be incredibly helpful to society and banning abortion is absolutely horrible for it. Unwanted kids end up having kids young and often to fill their need for some one to love them and thus perpetuate the neglected child scenario.

Yeah either heart condition, embolism, or she was a drug/addict alcoholic. Apparently it is not uncommon for people to die during unsupervised detox.

Upper middle class white guy here, school isn't fun in great neighborhoods either. It shouldn't be fun. It should be about learning. I am kind of shocked she wasn't sending her kids to school. Its the only place that you get 2 free meals a day and a baby sitter.

Not the majority of functioning oil fields, but a large part of the proven oil reserves.

No, to line the pockets of the military industrial complex maybe, or to kill the guy who tried to have his dad assassinated possibly, to remove a crazy dictator maybe, but definitely not for US oil interests. There are literally dozens of reasons and oil is one of the few that doesn't fit. If you have a better

At what point does something become mainstream? If Saudi, Qatar, UAE, Brunai, and a few other countries follow Sharia Law (unless you are rich and then you can do what you want). Would that consist of a large part of the Islamic world? I am asking, not arguing.

We tried to stay previously, they didn't want to allow US soldiers to be tried in US courts and then refused to allow us to stay. They said they were prepared to take over. Turns out they weren't.

Weird. We had access to their oil before the war. We haven't extracted any sizable amount and most of our Middle Eastern oil comes from Saudi Arabia. If it was a war for oil access, we would have more access, not the same amount. http://www.npr.org/2012/04/11/150…

It didn't look that way since he sired a bunch of sons who were arguably way worse than him.

It depends on what sect you would talk to. The Kurds are super jazzed up because the Kurdish part of Iraq is pretty much semi-autonomous and has a majority of the oil. Also it didn't get nearly as messed up.

Or the alternate title....