You missed the only real appeal of Qdoba. It is the queso. Chipolte is missing a huge fucking market of fat Americans by not melting velveeta and queso on stuff. It is awful for you, but heavenly goodness.
You missed the only real appeal of Qdoba. It is the queso. Chipolte is missing a huge fucking market of fat Americans by not melting velveeta and queso on stuff. It is awful for you, but heavenly goodness.
This is the dumbest thing ever. #ESPNOCHO
Isn't bestiallity illegal?
By Chuck Norris' chin, you mean bullet proof?
Yeah they are. Men get the best razors. #patriarchy. Now that we have settled that, you can hang out with my avant garde friends who use straight razors.
I was bulimic in high school, wasn't trying to be flippant. I am over it now, but dealing with the lasting effects to teeth and esophagus. I only made the comment, because in hindsight her method would have saved me some trouble, not that it is a good idea.
Nope, its still really bad, but its basically anorexia at that point because you aren't swallowing. I assume both are really bad, but I know bulimia destroy teeth.
Well in terms of eating disorders, this is better than regular bulimia as it saves your teeth and esophagus from erosion.
They make suits for women. If I can't rock a Dwight Schrute short sleeve dress shirt, she can suffer the same fate.
Its not that much, as someone who has no restrictions (grandfathered into unlimited plan by verizion), I used 2 or 3 gigs a month.
It isn't debatable. They are incredibly skilled and talented, but the best women's tennis pro couldn't beat a man (each at the top of their career) ranked in the top 100 in a best of 7. The Williams sisters claimed that they could beat anyone ranked below 200:
That would imply that if a 5'11 girl could bench 100lbs, a man of equal height could bench 700 pounds. Methinks that statement is a bit of an exaggeration.
I am really sorry that happened to you. I hope things get better. That said, how men react to things happening to their body is one of the few times we can mansplain. I can't tell you how your pain affects the female body, but I can explain the pain of having external genitalia crushed.
As a guy who wrestled and played sports, I have been hit in the groin more times than I would ever want to remember. When done correctly, it can be debilitating. I am not sure if the pain can be explained as anatomically men and women are different, but I don't know if there is an equal situation. (I am not saying…
A broken state can't stop crime? Color me shocked.
Weird, I had to go to consent talks and other similar things as a requirement of being in a fraternity. We also had similar seminars at freshmen orientation.
It depends on what the OP meant by demanding. Men hit harder/faster/etc, but since women aren't as strong, the less powerful play would be equally taxing.
If your teacher is expecting students to overpower someone, he/she is doing it wrong. You are supposed to eye gouge, throat jack, or nut shot someone so you can then run away.
Its because the OP would rather wish a perfect world into existence then deal with reality. Promoting the ability to protect one's self is good. Even if it isn't from sexual assault, knowing how to react to a mugging or a jumping or pretty much any violent attack is really useful.
With an attitude like that, you are taking away these highschool girl's license to choose. The author clearly says in many cases, it's the girls choice. For these girls, regardless of how strange it mean seem, they make a choice. The one'a whose father force it are definitely weird, but others are making a choice.