
Honestly, I don't really care that Magic was rude to chicks in his youth. If you brought someone home to have casual sex and you find out they don't want to, do you just sit there doing nothing? No, you ask them to leave because everyone took no for an answer.

I don't understand your post, it's a lot of people victim blaming Jay z, I made a sarcastic comment about it. I hope there can be equality for all, not just men, not just women.

You are crazy. Unless you are fighting against marginalization (like a fight between civil right activists and the klan) you don't have a leg to stand on. Women have no more right to hit a man than a man does to hit a woman. Same with blacks vs whites, rich vs poor, or Christians vs Muslims. Everyone has the

Oh, so abuse only counts if you get good connection?

The fact that men can defend themselves physically against a woman gives women carte Blanche. What would the story be if he defended himself?

Honestly, it's not like he could have reacted. Would this article have been fun speculation if he defended himself? He would be crucified. Double standards are weird like that.

On jez, you vcan only victim blame women, men are supposed to not react. Here, they fight gender stereotypes daily (for women only).

If you thought the relationships between a former drug dealer alledgely shot his brother over jewelry and pop diva would be perfect, you just aren't thinking clearly. Odd that Solange is the violent psychotic though.

Doubtful, given the caller didn't have endo and garbage bin disorder doesn't mean what people think it means. Also he plans on doing an entire segment on endo to help the population that actually has it and suffers it's horrors.

Another appropriate title might be "Woman Doesn't Understand Medical Slang, Angers Other Women who also Don't Medical Slang."

It's not women with high pitches voices, it's women who sounds like they are about to cry/at a breaking point on the phone and he is pretty much always right when he guess based on their voice.

Catch some old loveline, he is right 90% of the time.

It's an entertainment radio show, he is empowered/entitled to say that because he is a doctor. If he wasn't, he wouldn't be.

Agreed, but not based on the limited symptoms given by the caller. You need real tests to determine it. General pain in that region could be anything from mental response to sexual abuse to endo to an std to UTI. His point was, given the history of abuse, that is more likely unless a actual test determines it's endo.

You'd think so right up until he absolutely nailed the sexual abuse question without even talking to her, I listen to old loveline as a podcast because it's hilarious, but Drew is basically the abuse whisperer. He can hear it in their voice or context of most calls.

As a non-Mormon, I like hiring Mormons, they work hard, you don't have to buy them coffee, you get to save money at the Holiday party, and because they probably already have a family they need to support, they are unlikely to quit.

Is he saying it's a turn on for the watcher or the characters? If it's the characters, that makes perfect sense. In a show about almost nothing, but the unbridled climb for power, it would stand to reason that violent power depleting sex would appeal to the characters. Also your have to look at it through the lens of

Madeleine, have you read all the books? If so, you'll mark this part as a long decline in their relationship. Since tv doesn't have 1000's of pages to cover this subject. For the sake of time, this lets the watcher know where they stand without dwelling on the minutia of their relationship.

My guess is that they don't have as much time to illustrate the growing rift between Jamie and Cercsei. This way you know where they stand without dwelling on the minutia of their relationship falling apart. TV shows have a way of making a nuanced fall apart become a swift break because timing.

You are unreasonably angry about artistic direction. Especially considering if they didn't age up all the female characters by 3-5 years, 90% of the sex would be rape. Daeny is 13-17 in the books. Her "passionate" sex scenes with Drogo were child molestation. Take it easy art police or stop watching because you have