Will H

How many VINs would fit on this line?!

Yes, behavioral change management is a problem with any project. I’d love to see one airline pilot this and see what happens.

It would run smoothly as long as the gubment isn’t in charge. Again, If we can weigh 18-wheelers that are in-motion going 70 MPH, we could weigh passengers fairly unobtrusively if we wanted to.

You still walk through the metal detector or scatter-plot xray. It wouldn’t be hard to add a scale to that system and tie it in to ticketing, or to add a scale to the ticket-scanning area right before you enter the jetway.

There’s already a scale at the check-in counter/kiosk...

I hate to break it to you, but your total weight and that of your fellow passengers is the BIGGEST variable as to what it costs to fuel a plane. Indisputable.

If we make people deal with the TSA, this won’t be any different or take much more time, if at all. Put a scale under the scatter-plot xray for people. There’s already a scale at the check in counter.

Put the scale under the metal scatter plot xray machine. done :)

Not difficult to fix. Put in your estimated weight and weight of your luggage and you could get an estimate within 5% of actual cost, likely even more accurate.

Fix all of this fee crap right now and just start charging passengers by gross weight. Because that’s really what matters. If you’ve ever flown on a small plane or helicopter, this is exactly how they do it, and HAVE to do it. Modern jetliners can calculate down to the pound how much fuel is needed to carry the jet

This. Also, while equipment to terminate your own cables is cheap, the equipment to certify those cables is not. (also titime consuming)

For any Android folks who already use the popular file browser ES File Explorer, it has compressed file handling built in and handles it well.

Show me Windows 10 Media Center! Oh wait...

RINOs :)

Random one on my wife’s ‘04 Xterra: Everything in this article checked ok. Stupid me didn’t try to start it myself (she was doing it while I was testing stuff). When I finally tried, I noticed the brake pedal wouldn’t depress. The Park/Neutral Safety Switch was stuck.



I’ve been to Africa for work, and feel your pain. Union Labor at its finest. This is also why we ran our own fiber to Nigeria/Angola with V-SAT backups so we don’t have to worry about it :)

Every time someone says “there outta be a law!” the Founding Fathers roll over in their graves. :(

There have been multiple cuts by these guys over the past year, affecting many areas. Their last cut in June took my San Ramon office offline for the whole day.