Will H

I own the steel 3 ton as well, it is heavy, I like heavy.

I have a hard time putting a NP tag on any right hand drive car.

Ran when parked, no tire kickers

Hmm. Given the looks, I will vote CP.

This is Jalopnik. In the last few years they’ve decided what this place sorely needed was politics! And we’ve seen their best writers all run for the hills. I still read and comment from time to time, but there are far better sites out there. It’s a shame, really. It used to be my single favorite place on the

- just do so with the abject horror of half the country

OK, here’s the lefty take:

If this is the only good outcome of last night, I’ll take it.

But can it Waze?

Dude is awesome if the story is true.. but BMW needs to step up and offer him a free UPARMORED bulletproof Beemer. This run-of-the-mill stuff just doesn’t cut it versus 7.62

Favorite supercar of all time. I’m lucky enough to live somewhere there’s someone who likes to bring one out to shows often. Took this pic a couple weeks ago.

This is the only reason to have both of these things.

No. More like do exactly what the designers recommend during the break-in period.

Do the BMW drivers who fail to use a turn signal have to listen to an incessant flasher relay clicking noise?

Somehow, I think that may be a rodeo clown, not a cowboy. A real cowboy would have only held on with one arm.

This is an ironic article being that Uber wouldn’t even exist today in most cities if it wasn’t for the greedy and controlling cab unions.

Yup! Which will tell you if the power went out, but not for how long!

“If you want to help contribute to his hospital bills”

My biggest issues with smartwatches, are first battery life, I simply do not want to charge my watch every night, with Apple’s watch being the most extreme example, it doesn’t even last you through the entire day with moderate use. Second, they’re ugly as all hell, what I want is a mechanical watch with a smart

Which is my major complaint with smart watches and why i see no point in them. If your phone can do everything the watch does but better, then why not use it instead since its already in your pocket. I bet we will see phoneless smartwatches in like 5 years when we can have processors that are powerful enough to run it