Will H

That’s some valuable scrap that they actually bid & pay for :)

Getting into semantics here, but I would say that if a system’s current state is off, then is powered on, it is simply “booted.” A “reboot” is a combination of a power down *and* power up action, hence its “bounce” synonym.

Also: “You knew mercury was bad when you banned the tiny amounts used in thermometers and thermostats, yet you then put exponentially more of it in light bulbs that end up in your landfills!?”

Fun fact: IT personnel use the term “bounce” instead of “reboot” when talking to each other.

Though people reading this probably already knew that.

Bump. If someone tried to buy anything from me with cash after the apocalypse, I’d laugh in their face.

No more distracting than the Amber/Silver alerts the gubment is already pushing out to us. :D

Crap. Just noticed the Linux version only has 1GB RAM and 8GB storage. Guess I’ll opt for the Windows one and install Linux from a USB!

You wouldn’t be entering it in—Law enforcement would and you would just get a notification (like an amber alert) to look out for the suspect. That’s the way I read it at least. :)

I report when I can safely. Kudos to Waze to keeping it to 2-3 taps in most cases.

Damn, I was excited about this too.

Bump. I ran the student IT help desk at my university of 30k+ students. After 4 years, that was one thing I would bet on. Dells were also good at making it to their 3-year warranty, then crapping out.

Get a load of those velocity stacks

Actually fairly common according to my friends in our ROV department.

My father-in-law has the 4-Runner with 3rd row seat. We’ve only had to use it twice, but surprisingly not too uncomfortable for the shorter ladies in the family, and extremely handy regardless.

Why not RX-ify that?

(or better yet, a 16:10 display)

If everyone is physically okay, then move the cars out of traffic if you can.


Related: I just did the timing belt, water pump, etc., 100k mile service for my wife’s Xterra. Other than part receipts and pics of the timing and old parts, is there anything else that would help prove I did it when I move to sell it later this year?

Ask the dealer to put it in the sales agreement. If they put it in writing, you’d at least have someone to sue when it breaks in 10,000 miles.

3:07 What's the puddle under the car? Piss from the drivers? or oil/fuel?
