Will H

Were these guys near by?

We can vote with our wallets and buy the more-repairable devices.

Style points for the attempted dive/save.

Now playing

I love it, but I'd say the one Dennis Leary sings about in the "Asshole" song :)

They'll fly, just not well.

I would also add it's a vicious cycle and people would prefer to kick the can down the road and let the collapse be [hopefully] the problem of people after them (like another popular political topic...).

Could you explain to the laypeople like myself what private wealth has to do with city infrastructure? Those "1%ers" in NYC pay close to 60% of their income in taxes, all levels combined. I'd say they were paying generously more than their fair share of the repair/maintenance burden.

And they kinda are broke (water mains at least).

Surprisingly (or perhaps not so), I had a similar situation in my high school Spanish class, though the second girl said "No Sarah—Panama is in Florida."

"WD LIVE TV" Can't watch live TV. Ironyyyy!

I'd say fountains are a bigger waste of electricity than water. Once fountains are full, they just recycle water like a regular pool. Also like a pool, they do lose water due to evaporation & climate that needs to be replaced, but from my experience, that replacement water is less than an average household uses in a

+1, though the Y-Wing was my least favorite of the rebel fleet.

My dad had an Austin Healey Sprite in college in the 70s. He went on a trip with my mom (his girlfriend at the time) for a weekend, and came home to see his car missing from the driveway of the house he was renting with friends (all engineers). Fear turned to anger then laughter when they walked into the house and

I wonder if the heartbeat sensor will work on Cyanogenmod? Or if they would ever open up the MHL/HDMI drivers so that would work on another ROM?

That's what I would do too. I think at that point though, you may have already spoken enough for their "covert" sensor to take a measurement... unless you only roll the window down a crack ;)

Would you prefer I point to Public Policy Polling, the left-leaning organization who conducts the poll? http://goo.gl/OKSiqO