Will H
Now playing

I understand and respect your opinion and I don't mean to imply it is wrong, but you also proved my point: You're not offended by my flag suggestion because no one told you to be. The flag I posted was the Louisiana confederate flag used for the first year or two of the Civil War before the "Stars & Bars" was widely

Gosh I hate this debate, but here it goes...

Dare to dream :/

Isn't this always the answer? (Corky Romano)

Agree. I love the idea of a Windows tablet, but the "RT" version never appealed to me. Why get a locked down RT device when I could get an Android tablet that does everything and more for less $.


YES! NO K. More accurately, "Frac'ing" I think.

Ahh they worked out a deal with Nestlé for this. My first thought was "copyright infringement" which, I think, is why we never saw the first 2 code names in print much (Astro/Bender).

Exactly. Another stat to put things in perspective: It would take 42 square miles of today's windmills to replace one average gas platform in the gulf, assuming constant wind.Lots of rare earth metals in those panels too.

Yep, and read about paint used for the Tin Man and Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz

I JUST noticed the alien in this shot. Now I'm gonna have to re-watch this episode, and wonder how many other times I have missed this.

3500 acres for 377 megawatts? I suppose this is a good use of desert land.
A single nuclear reactor could do 4x that or more in a hundredth of the space.

Now all I can think about is that SNL "Celebrity Jeopardy" sketch.

City Airlines:

Very cool, but was hoping for a sample shot of a football game in action (US or Euro).

I like the concept, and think it is a great counter/solution to flavor loss from cooking out the fat/grease.

The George has a flavor trough—that's where all the fat drips to. :/