Will H

MK1 Sprite. 948cc, ~43 hp

EDIT: Patrick covers this—meant to reply to others who were having difficulty :)

"I hit a utility pole at a fast enough speed with no seat belt and banged my head on the windshield, shattering it, yet I appear surprisingly un-injured. My tailor may have a bully of a time with my jacket though."

There are the normal street nav arrows, then the double arrows slightly to the left. one click of those and I was in. Doesn't seem to be geographically based.

Kyle notes this is old news to PCs in the article.

Here is my more detailed value calculations on this. In addition to the sunk cost of the appliance, this thing probably sucks a lot of power.

Reminds me of Cannonball Run. Maybe they needed beer?

Thank you Science!

I've had to take Malarone & other Malaria pills during business trips to Africa. They made me so sick I stopped taking them. "Maybe I'd rather have Malaria" I told myself, half seriously.

I agree with you Brian on all points, but I have never paid more than $2.50/month for Gold, and I can get my money's worth of that in a weekend.

Thanks! I was too lazy to click through—that just wreaked of effort this morning. :(

Gross errors of omission here. Malcom Reynolds:

I've always used my own cable equipment—modems and cable boxes. Pays for itself after a year or so. Some people love renting for the support aspect. If the equipment breaks, Kabletown sends them a new one.

The US Navy/Coalition ships do "donuts" around pirate skiffs off the Somali Coast that make a run for it. The waves all but destroy the boat and make the pirates easy to "capture." That is, unless they are fired upon. :D

I agree. HDMI dongle stand-alone Android PCs may be a few extra bucks, but worth it for the network features.

It should work with any display device with an HDMI input and a USB plug for power.

I don't think you "charge" it, but it does need power. Most panel TVs have a USB/service port on the back that outputs 5V/500+mA. Google will probably give you a 3' microUSB cable and tell you to plug it into that.

Yes you can :)