Will H

I share Jackle's mentality.

Bump. One of my favorite memories of the NES.


^ This.

These did get somewhat of an honorable mention in #5.

Ahhhh. ...wish I could get a doctor's note for that instead of penicillin.

I remember this old tale of the "mythical" missions of the Constitution, mainly how much the sailors drank! (averaging ~2 gallons of rum per day).

In this day & age, I'm more likely to have a hex wrench around than coins.

Something tells me this air hole is the Achilles' heel. Hopefully a screen will be used in v2. Pretty clever overall!

Bump for Houston.


I'm with you.

Close! Since July 30, 2009 you have read a total of 249,075 items.

Actually, as it turns out, there's been something like this on Amazon for ~$19 for over a year. Nothing beats the design of the one in this article though.

In for 1. Another geek gadget for my toolbox.

$30 on eBay from the UK: eBay

Yep—excellent point. The end-users (especially our executives) are our customers—not our peasants. To that effect, we actually only support iOS on our mobile WAN and BYOD program (in addition to Blackberry, though excluding BB10). Having standard hardware is so much easier to securely manage, and so many employees

Good question. "Mocked," more like kid with a sibling. We recognize it as a good, solid, powerful, secure, etc. OS. Most of my IT guys are Android/Linux/Windows guys—all very left-brained by nature—who yearn for control of everything and feel at home in those complex, convoluted environments. It's easier, IMHO, to

I had a similar case here. Great car sitting for months, covered in dust in my parking garage. I had a friend in law enforcement run the plates, as I wanted to ask the owner if they would sell it. Turns out the car was stolen and ditched there.

1st episode of season 16: "Reverse Cowgirl" : )