Will H

Not an option for everyone, but I keep extra batteries around for my Android phone. One in the briefcase, desk, car, etc. Just takes a minute to swap. $5 each on eBay. Sure, they don't last as long as the OEM, but perfect for the rare occasions I'm that low on juice. Much smaller than these packs as well.

Will you install those $1500 door edge guards for me too?

My unlimited Sprint LTE plan is $80/month. I can tether 8 devices to my phone while being in a phone call. For AT&T, that would cost at least $200-300.

I've used this kit and the Harbor Freight version. Difference is negligible, but go 3M if it's on sale. Took ~30 minutes to do my '98 Accord.

Mine too. Better than the Downfall one from a few days ago.

I wonder if the setup will be anything like the Futurama eye phone...

This must date me—I only remember that line from Ace Ventura.

Brace yourself. Good to know this is an option though.

First thing that popped into my head.

Yes. My life is so computerized everywhere I look, except my wrist. It is nice to see something purely old school mechanical, precise, and timeless

That guy. If you're in line, he's cutting you. if you're behind him, he's stopping your lane for no good reason.

I've learned the hard way that, whether I pay $20 or $200 for a pair of sunglasses, they both break or get lost just as easily.

don't forget spicerack.girl

Ricky Bobby? He pissed excellence!

My thoughts exactly. Let's put it head-to-head with a Toyota.

"Baxter, I think we can valmorphanize safely now."

Can't wait til the smart phone app for this comes out.

Can we filter out the puns please?

"Hated it!"

My follow up question: Is longer life directly correlated to coffee, or just that people who work hard usually drink coffee in the morning instead of sleeping til noon & waking up in time to get the government check; those who work hard are usually insured and generally take better care of themselves.