Will H

Just have to mention this guy for posterity :)

The first thing that came to my mind. No relation to Cameron.

I have seen this package (console w/ Kinect) for $230: [amzn.com]

I know the Tivo price model is tempting to folks on a budget, but keep in mind, at this price, the total cost after 2 years will be ~$460. Buying the bundle at cost, then 2 years of Xbox Live Gold separately should be well under $300 total.

That ball would be in no less than 3 pieces by the time I got home.

Look up Anatoli Bugorski. He stuck his head inside a running particle accelerator and lived to tell about it. Cool pictures out there somewhere.

Prisoner's Dilemma, meet Hipster's Dilemma.

Pure Genius! (secretly dreaming for a sequel)

I heard you could get even better macro shots by immersing your whole iPhone in water. To fully capitalize on the light-bending abilities, be sure to add a cap full of bleach.


Bump. A grower/roaster friend of mine brought an Aeropress to work to demo, and I went back to my desk to order one. Best coffee I've made in my home. He has every coffee gadget known to man, but uses his Aeropress the most.

I'll just leave this here.

Second the 20s. Also, all the stripper's I know are pushing for the $2 bill to be more widely used. Apparently, any stripper worth a damn is moving to the oil boom in North Dakota anyway.

Another breakdown: The iPhone can now do things Android devices have been doing for 2 years.

This is what I use @ work: [goo.gl]

Topsully makes a good point. Would we call what AT&T is doing "right" or "ethical"? Definitely not. Is it legal? Yup.

Were all these guys in the same construction workers union? Just curious...

A la carte cable is my dream! Glad to see that was #1.

My cancellation conversation with Comcast:

"A full 39 percent of 18-29 year olds who earn less than 30 stacks have smartphones. That's higher than the national average. It means young people are willing to sacrifice elsewhere to pay for a nice phone."