William Duff

You ask what makes him a trashcan shitbag in the same comment that you acknowledge he cheated on his partner. That isn’t a mistake, that is a conscious choice and those that do that and break that trust believe they are better than others and above the rules. Someone who has cheated can seek redemption and possibly

I’m trying to figure out where in this little article about this piece it mentions Link as female? Especially since we only see Link from behind so we have no way of knowing what gender Link is in the image.

Is there like a glitch going on or something? Because I’m wondering when zero subs and one video uploaded made you a prolific YouTuber? Not trying to be a dick, but that has me scratching my head more than some that seems like an obvious reference to Hitchhiker’s Guide

Barefoot Gen. Nothing is more depressing.

Keep in mind you couldn’t romance Garrus as maleshep. So maybe the lack of a femshep/Tali relationship was meant to be a balance to that but just wasn’t implemented correctly. Not gonna deny Bioware made mistakes with the series but overall made a fantastic story, world, and characters. So I know I can forgive them

Have had to replace these any number of times on the autos I've owned. Also right here in Michigan. What area of Michigan do you live in? The Metro Detroit area is hell on vehicles.

Why didn't they just call her Link? Seriously, the name Link is only perceived as a male name because the character of the series has always been male...

Did anyone else notice that there appears to be a second outlet near the ground?

This is a great set of life lessons! I'm currently rewatching through the anime series and I am amazed at the risks and lesson the series has taken and made through the years! I definitely know my kids will group up with Pokemon as a part of their lives.

That doesn't mean much to me, I don't play online.

personally I bitch about that all the time. It pisses me off I can't play my PS1 and PS2 games on my PS3 and blocking backwards comp and used games is an automatic no buy.

I'm shocked no one has done the Terracotta Warriors yet...

Having easily detachable lens would be great especially when optioning prescription lens for it. Prescriptions change over time so being able to replace them and not the whole headset is ideal. I haven't read much of the actually material on the Rift so I don't know too much about it.

I'm laughing at your add on. Ubisoft buys THQ and also announces Assassin's Creed Black Flag...

So you're post made me very interested. I looked through all of my collection currently accessible and not including the copy of Borderlands I am borrowing from a friend, I have one FPS... Star Wars: Republic Commando for the original Xbox. Majority of my collect is RPGs, Platforms, and third persons.

Here's a weird thought, maybe it's an evolution of Ditto.

Seriously all the history involved in this game makes me want to play it more and more, but I have never played a bioshock game. My GF/Now roommate won't let me due it effecting her mental issue(which makes sense).

Yep. Great game, just didn't feel right lol. Still enjoyed it a lot!

As much as I dislike first person, I totally have to agree with you. A third person Thief just wouldn't feel right.

I'm gonna have to agree. I always enjoy reading your articles. And thank you for this interview, I have actually been wondering what all had happened.