
very cool... too bad this kind of "green" build is still too expensive to achieve. :(

@bigPixel: cue Angel, bright light and Mozart's Requiem Mass in D minor... like yesterday already.

@notfred: I'd buy that for a dollar...or 25.

@iSee: lllllllllooooooooolllllllll.

@Marry me, Ayn Rand.: they seem to be making a shit-ton of money for not making logical decisions...even with the flaws.

smartphone + RSS feed interface = Boring.

@thecman: amen... and once you've recouped the cost, it's all gravy from that point on... it also does a beautiful job as a DAW as well.

...now where's the zipper tape?

@Charles Keledjian: this would not suprise me, especially after he said that... bad LG, bad.

@enine: funny indeed... you obviously haven't held an iPad lately...because the screen is gorgeous.

just what i needed. a laptop with a keyboard for my keyboard.

@skywalker24: I completely agree... and from a marketing standpoint, how many people aren't going to get the reference? really.

"You don't know the power of the dark side!" We do now...

@MikeK: Well said. I think it takes services like Flipboard to show us innovative ways to view new ideas... Gathering ideas and viewpoints in this fashion will change the way we process everything. Thumbs way up.

@bhjs1: i totally approve this message... key phase being "really works as advertised"

@Tony Bologna: the video that is linked in the current post isn't the one i was sent to earlier this morning but you already know that now... :)