
...and yet he didn't choose daft punk as his audio track... suspicious. lol.

@TheCrudMan: ...or when you have $280 million budget, à la Avatar and can't afford to have a font created just for your movie.

don't use comic sans... check. waste company resources and time letting us know... check.

@shooga: bwahahahahahah! OH LAWDY. big heart click for that.

...most egregious use of vocabulary.

@orthorim: yep. it also helps with tax deductions... now the computer is solely for work. :)

"...host Oliva Munn's" ...missed that one..

form, yes. function, hmm...

@firite: is that the French version?

@D.LYTE: you know... i felt the same way until i got one and now aside from my work, i use it for everything that i used to do on my computer...


@RGT: agreed. bad HTC. i love the screen size and clarity on most HTC phones but do they explain that in any commercial? i haven't seen one at least...

@MightyMonk: well, if you actually watch that "baby scan" commercial, it's to a soldier, who i will assume is in a combat zone or on leave to a another station...but yes, those videos are overly empathetic. that's the whole point, to appeal to the customer on an emotional level.

@Sidetalker: etymologically speaking, it is a gadget...but not the kind of "gadget" i think of when i'm reading Giz, especially in the context of this post.


weeble wobble.