
hair dryer ≠ gadget.

will people buy it, that is the question...

shocked i am not.

@FriedConsole: well at least it's a better fad than the netbook...

@Arken: lolzzzzzz. i gotcha. sarcasm. :)

@Arken: more evil than hitler huh? that's a bit extreme. lol

kicking + dead horse = Gizmodo

wow. just wow.

well, this makes Apple's purchase of Lala...a really smart move

@LolpantsofArabia: guess it could be worse... how about Giz being wrapped up in a Cheetos ad... oh wait...

great post. great suggestions. love the illustration. FTMFW.

kickstand = brilliance

what was the point of showing us three blackberry screens at the same time doing the exact same thing?

wireless stream.

day late, 98¢ short.

@bridgetshuck: i'm always skeptical when a company tells "me" not to be evil....and they turnaround and try to take ownership of all things web related...which is kind of evil. they want your phones, your social network and your business. google bank, google me, google this...google that. it's a bit like a slow