
that hashtag is in french...

well, they just bought skype to prove they aren't obsolete, just yet...

lol. +1

i have to say, your post...is more on point than the article it is attached to... Giz is starting to just write posts that have no value whatsoever....

...it's the same on the mac keyboards...

you are right about that...

make this... NOW.

script is everything...and this franchise needed a reboot after the first spidey flick (it was pretty good, being the first) but subsequent films are just bad.

check this out...

true, very true.

ahh. i see... could be useful still. i watch a lot of First 48, and when someone gets murdered... the phone is always left behind. so this could help them trace the person's last steps or movement...

hmmm. i see. very interesting. hmmm.

i completely agree.

this could be very useful for tracking a missing person or stolen phone...or even your jealous partner. we gave up this sort of privacy when we made our first modern cell phone or enable our GPS... it was only a matter of time before that data was collected and used in this manner. oh well, guess i'll throw my iphone

it's because they've already pissed off Apple so there's nothing left to lose...

you're funny. :p

any phone or device with GPS technology is tracking your location...and even cellular use between towers can be tracked, though not as accurate. we gave up that privacy a long time ago, whether we like it or not.

can't you turn off location services under settings?