We definitely have our flaws and are overrun by transplants, but if you call it “Broadway Street,” you’re not a Titans fan nor a Nashvillian...
I own a 4 cylander Accord, and had always planned on getting a V6 version when I earn more money. Thanks for crushing my dreams Honda...
Strange, I get above 60 fps in Doom, GTA5, and Civ6 with a 1060 Mini, an i5 3750k and dual 27" monitors. You had no reason to upgrade. People always overkill on PC parts. There is NO reason to water cool unless you are overclocking. Period. You just wasted a lot of money.
I got a 2016 Honda Accord Sport new in Oct 2015. I paid less than $19K after trade-in, which was significantly below the dealers invoice number. I had done a lot of research on this site and others. Jalopnik is great for first time buyers. I was 24 at the time, not all millennials are bad shoppers! Keep up the good…
This is why I bought a “lower tier” model that had a real parking brake.
I went with the 2016 Accord Sport because I’m 6'4". It was the nicest sedan for the price, most headroom with no sunroof, no electronic parking break, and a real key instead of a button. I did not buy it for a faster or cooler car, it was the best bang for the buck, got it for under 20K with a trade in.
I was set to get a new 6 back in October. Dealer would not budge from $27K for Touring model. Their line was “import only brand,” so I wound up getting a 2016 Accord Sport for $22,500, 19 with trade in. The 6 was really nice but the Accord has more interior room, especially head room. I’m 6'4", so I am biased about…