Will Feral

‘zactly. Deadbeat Chads.

That picture is from a Geico commercial.....I swear.


So far, the only athletes that have qualified under IOC regulations are Ryom Tae Ok and Kim Ju Sik, a pair of figure skaters. 

“The receiving player must maintain full control of the ball from the initial point of contact all the way through CTE diagnosis.”

“Suspended for...”

*throws dart*

“...five games.”

+Roger Goodell+

As a guy, I just want to say that this is tough. I want to be clear that the guys who did this stuff was wrong, but men are left in a Catch-22. I’m sure I will be eviscerated, but here goes the reasoning.

We already did, and Sinbad was in it

It’s a good song with a great hook though.

Best part was the announcing team initially saying “we’re not going to show you that on replay, it was pretty bad,” then showing it 18 times after hearing the TD was reversed.

bow of flags?

A related and equally depressing point is that the kind of people who take this stuff quasi-seriously don’t even *care* that much about it. They’re not going to check back in a month or two and be like “why are the Seahawks still in the NFL?” while anxiously awaiting Sean Hannity to report on the latest developments

I thought it was named after Brady because it was dumb and pretty.

Well you know the old saying, Old Rich White Guys are Racist Assholes.

But was it elite?

Well, nobody’s Burf-

“Chumba, one of the runners who was led off-course, took fourth.”

Thanks to a panel-wide misunderstanding of Asian geography and some nimble betting work, he won.

This is now the second time in a month that ESPN has fallen on its face while trying to discipline one of its biggest personalities for daring to talk politics on Twitter.

When I was a kid, I used to wonder, “What does ESPN stand for?”