I assume he received a raise for his efforts. That would be the only fair and balanced way of Fox News to handle such a victory for them.
I assume he received a raise for his efforts. That would be the only fair and balanced way of Fox News to handle such a victory for them.
An Olympian whining about losing fairly and omitting pertinent information in his tweet about it is the perfect summation of the United States of America in 2018.
As a loving parent of a toddler and a preschooler, I feel robotic versions of these ungrateful humans would be far more effective.
As much as I hate this particular call of his, on his last day I will emphatically proclaim, “HE GONE!”
I’m a Cubs fan and I’m not worried. Yeah, there are holes to fix, but they won the WS. I can take a small bump in their progression as a young team.
I can’t be totally sure, but I think that smile might be fake.
But..but...but..he’s the only person whose NFL opinion I care about at ESPN..
To be fair, he did shill Raisin Bran Crunch with Apples and Strawberries.
Awesome! This is much cheaper (and more hygenic) than my current method of securing Red Bull: Horse urine and a Soda Stream.
Awesome! This is much cheaper (and more hygenic) than my current method of securing Red Bull: Horse urine and a Soda…
I think we’re missing the greater point here. Schilling seems to KNOW it didn’t happen, which means one of two things:
1. He’s a delusional, lying sack of crap (He totally is)
2. He’s an all-knowing, celestial being (which, being a middle-aged, White American male likely jibes with his idea of who God is).
It’s only fitting that an awful announcer will remain the “face” of such an awful franchise.
As a guy who grew up Southern Baptist...yes. This checks out.
I have a hard time cancelling DVR recordings on purpose. You did that intentionally and deserved every inch of that screwdriver.
As fun as it was to watch Sammy play, he was nowhere near the caliber of athlete Baez is. Sammy could smash and his defense was solid, but no one would ever say he impacted games the way Baez has the potential to, whenever he’s in the lineup.
I’m not anointing Baez as the great savior, but in the 30 years I’ve been…
The fact that this article suggests LaStella and Alcantara as suitable alternates, in place of Baez, let’s me know all I need to. It also states his defensive prowess is “surprisingly strong.” From everything I ever read/heard/saw about Baez, his defense was never in question.
I just don’t see how anyone would have…
Draft bust? How do you figure?
I have no witty comment. I’m just a Cubs fan who has enjoyed the heck out of watching him play this season. We never have players like this.
And I just now realized you were quoting “Arrested Develpmont.” I’m so ashamed of myself.