Will Feral

The Clinton audible means the ball is going to the left.

Throw it to the dumb white guy and hope he doesn’t run backwards?

38, obviously.

this year we have like 7 high-caliber players! there’s no vance laws, no todd hundleys, no fukodomes. everyone is uniquely valuable to the core. to the perrenial losers go the spoils!

I have not seen much baseball this year, but holy hell does this guy look impressive. I can honestly say I’ve never seen these types of tags shown above, they remind me of when we first learned of Lebron’s insane passing ability. I am definitely looking forward to seeing more of him in the future.

The final evolution of Baez-god is going to be amazing to behold. He cut his strikeout rate in half this season while getting nearly a full seasons worth of at bats spread across 5 positions on the diamond. You know Maddon has some ultra crazy scheme like teaching Baez a cutter and switching him between pitcher and

Last night Buck and Smoltz were talking about how Baez is a natural left-hander, which may explain why he’s so great with his glove hand. Either way, dude is sharp.

preach it my friend. bartman did nothing fucking wrong — he reached for a ball that was coming toward him which is literally what every fan would do and can she tell i’m looking at her pictures on facebook even though we aren’t friends and WHY MARISSA WHY YOU WERE THE ONE!!!!

I am long suffering Cubs fan. Bartman hurt.

Everybody talks about this.

Curses aren’t real. Ghosts aren’t real.

I watched the Al Smith dinner speeches instead of watching the Bears / Packers. If I’m going to watch two rivals punch it out...

Nah, Cubs fans existed 8 years ago.

Joke is still on him — he is a White Sox fan.

I don’t know if I could call this against the spirit of the Infield Fly Rule, since the rule specifically excludes line drives, which are inherently harder to field. This discrepancy in risk when fielding a fly ball verses a line drive is why the rule distinguishes between the two and only concerns itself with the fly

“Schilling starts out by proclaiming that it’s totally normal for adults to remark on the physical appearance of their friends’ kids”


Hi, you sound like a huge prick right now. I don’t think anyone said that this is exactly the same thing as anorexia, bulimia (or whatever you think a woman’s eating disorder is) or that this man faces the same expectations and pressures a woman does.

Notre Dame is worse. Some of their players think fake followers are real.

You mean Meg Trump.