Da Gooch from Da Bronx

Curious how your family is so attached to the Echo in the first place. Those devices always seem like a pointless novelty to me. My boyfriend’s roommate has one—the google equivalent, rather—and literally all they use it for is to occasionally play a track of music on the speakers, and to set a timer when cooking or

Not sure why Colombia is being seen as a W for England.... They have the runners to embarrass England. Whether they show up and whether James is injured is big but I wouldn’t underestimate them (or overestimate England).

One important fact that I think this article overlooks is that no NBA players (as far as I know) have wanted to kneel during the anthem or have expressed displeasure at the current rule. I think that actually matters a LOT.

The fans who boo while players kneel during the anthem are the ones that baffle me. You’re upset that someone is “disrespecting the anthem and the military” (or some such nonsense), but it’s not disrespectful of you to boo loudly while your precious anthem is playing. You’re upset someone is exercising their First

This is all so fucking dumb.

It’s called a story, and she wasn’t a major part in the first movie. Find something else to be offended about, you seem good at it.

Get the fuck outta here with this shit.

Toyota is selling over 700,000 Camrys/Corollas this year and evidently making money at it. Ford is abandoning the segments completely; this is insane. I’m a Ford fanboy (see username) but this is an awful, short-sighted decision that they’re going to regret for a long, long time.

Agreed, people who bought Fiestas or Focuses will go somewhere else now, not buy an suv they don’t need. If they have a good experience at Kia/Mazda/Toyota etc. you’re losing customers for life

Ford just lost one of their own employees as a customer. That takes real effort.

I’ll say it. I think this is a terrible idea.

Driving is a literal superpower. It also brings joy to many people, in various ways...even those we wouldn’t consider “enthusiasts.” If anyone suggests a ban, there will be serious resistance. Look how far gun control has gotten.

Member clutches? I member

Even if you love MP3 for the convenience, there is still a very practical reason to buy CDs: so that you have a physical back-up to your music! I can’t count the number of times my PC crashed, died, got lost, etc & I’ve lost all my music or PDF downloads, etc. Some vendors are getting better (IIRC iTunes lets you

I went to BB to grab a couple of CDs just before Christmas. The selection was sad. I’m not at all surprised by this move since they clearly didn’t care about selling any lately.

Dismissing congestion pricing as terrible is the right answer - all regressive taxes are

Tax Wall Street and the foreign oligarchs with million dollar apartments that they don’t even live in - not working people who live in areas with inadequate transit


They swarm and provide rolling roadblocks as well as slowing down free flowing traffic because drivers have to worry about cyclists damaging cars. Until cyclists can prove they can get through a single day without one of their herd damaging a vehicle, they ought to be banned from the road.

This proposal is a joke. As usual the inept NY governments answer to a problem such as the MTA is to tax people more and throw more money at it. They aren’t addresssing the real problem: legacy MTA costs and rampant abuse/waste at these agencies. You guys even addressed this in an article about the wasteful practices

It’s not working in London not sure why people would think it would work in NYC.