Da Gooch from Da Bronx

I'm a BlackBerry user and I just might give this a shot, even if only to spite Spotify. I've had a Spotify account since about a week after it first showed up in the US and somehow there's no BB app but yet they have one for webOS? Really? I would have been willing to spend the $10 on Spotify if they had a BB app.

Count me among the FIOS customers. I currently have 25/25.

Actually there are regular people buying RIM's products. I have both a BlackBerry phone and Playbook, both purchased by me and not provided by my job. I have bought into the BB ecosystem and will continue to buy BB phones (looking forward to the 9930). Portrait QWERTY keyboard phones are the right form factor for

Bring on the 9930 for Sprint. That will be my next phone.

As a Playbook owner, it is quite easy to use. The bezel gestures are great and make moving about the OS a breeze. Having my Playbook bridged to my Tour makes so much sense the more I use it (I agree that native PIM should have been there along side Bridge). Using my iPod Touch after having the Playbook since day 1

I bought a 32 GB PlayBook on launch day and I have to say that it's pretty damn good. Do I have a BlackBerry phone? Yes I do and the bridge functionality is I think is underrated. 50K on day 1? Sounds pretty good to me when you're name isn't Apple.

I will be getting mine on the 19th.

I, for one, will be looking forward to this phone. I may not use the touch screen a lot, but the fact that it's Bold 9000 size is great.

I, for one, am happy to finally know the price and release date. This is my tablet of choice.

What determines what a "smartphone" is? I look at my BlackBerry and I see a smart phone, even if it doesn't have a touchscreen and a million apps.

@Hiphopopotamus: I'm with you. I have no idea where they would put a store that big in GCT, unless it was going to be close by, but even then I don't see where you could put it.

@blyan is not on fire: I'm a BB owner by choice after moving from WinMo 6.5 (HTC Mogul). I'll admit this is my first BB (I have the Tour on Sprint), but it really is the best phone I've had yet. For me, I have to have a physical keyboard. Touchscreen keyboards don't do it for me. I've also done the slider

This past Tuesday, some friends and I watched a friend of ours play through Heavy Rain with the Move (he had only scratched the surface of it when it first came out, so the bulk of the game was new to him) and I have to say I forgot how great the game is. Adding the Move support actually made the game better in my

That looks quite cool. Looking forward to LBP2.

I am definitely looking forward to the PlayBook. This will be my tablet of choice.

Documents to Go was on my BB Tour right out of the box when I got it last year. It's not the full version (which allows for desktop syncing), but you can read and create documents. Also there is a Linkedin app for BBs.

@DBX00: I'm a guy and I have always preferred a keyboard to a touch screen. I got a BB a year ago (moving from a WinMo HTC Mogul) and I love it. I got an iPod Touch recently and the times where I've had to type on it have been frustrating to say the least. Touchscreens are fine for games and certain apps, but I

@Coreboy: For me, I need some sort of feedback that I'm actually pressing something. It lets me know that I'm actually inputting something. I have an iPod Touch and on the rare times that I need to type something on it, it just feels all wrong, not to mention the typos.

I'm a PS3 and BlackBerry fanboy. PS3 does everything I need and Move is awesome.

I for one like the PS3 controller the best. I've used a 360 controller and, yes the asymmetrical sticks don't do it for me.