@Y-bot: Assassin's Creed 2
@Y-bot: Assassin's Creed 2
In regard to the price of games in the Times Square Toys R Us, the quick answer IMO is Times Square. It's the most visited spot in all of NYC, so why nnot get a little more money from the tourists (because really it's mostly the tourists that get stuff from there).
Nice work with Gabriel Knight. My old college roommate introduced me to Sins of the Father and The Beast Within and I loved playing them. Our senior year, GK3 came out and we both played the hell out of that game.
This new update makes me want to fire up the game again. I haven't played in a long time.
I'm looking forward to playing this. Having never played Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit, It will be interesting to see how this this plays. It will be nice to have an "adult" game for once.
From the capital of the world: NYC, home of the world champion New York Yankees.