wee willy

You're absolutely right. And it's terrifying to me that a single word carries so much power. Even devoid of context.

I'm trying to figure out how the opening two-people-talking-across-a-table scene contrasts with the ending one — i,e. how the power has shifted. In the East Germany scene we see a corrupt government oppressing a single innocent man. In the end we see… what? An honest representative of the 'the people' confronting a

I'm not fighting for it, but I think it's absurd that a "word" can be forbidden. In fact, I would never use the word, but choosing not to use it and being forbidden to use it are very different things. Also, no one should be disallowed to quote it when they're say, singing along to an NWA song.

Because it's insane to have a "forbidden" word. I would never call anyone by that word, but to be barred from quoting it is nonsense.

"I’m very ready for the series to stop using anti-trans and homophobic language."

Oh my god who gives a shit??? You can say the same about Scorsese and most of the DGA. Who fucking cares about the past. Just make the future better. Stop acting like this is the Cultural Revolution and that we have to make people atone for shit they did in the past.

I'm enjoying it while knowing that it probably won't make sense. But I'm enjoying it without any pretense.

I made the analogy that the show feels like Lynch randomly picking puzzle pieces out of a box and showing them to us. The question is in the end, will he assemble the puzzle or just dump the box onto the table and let the pieces sit there. Personally, I'm fine either way.

Looks like Mr. Cruz has been hitting the donuts.

His bugnuts religion aside, the guy is a great movie star. As in, he is great at starring in movies.

Tom Cruise will die when he's good and ready.

'Cause of those sweet,sweet rhymes.

What if they're singing along to NWA?

It's an awful word and people shouldn't use it. But also let's not turn into giant fucking crybabies if it slips out. No word should have that much power.

Cable bends steel

It's okay to be confused. You could watch the whole series in order and still be as confused. But it's okay.

Spellbinding is exactly the right word. I felt like I did the first time I saw Eraserhead at 14 on Halloween night in a theater full of arty weirdos and leather clad non-racist skinheads.

As I watched I had no idea what was going on or why. I didn't try to make sense of it and just followed as if watching a dream. It's the only way to enjoy Lynch. Trying to interpret as you go is a fool's game.

Totally agree. Up until then it's a lot of fun.

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