wee willy

I think Varga's torches and pitchfork speech has its roots in the opening scene of the series in East Germany. The DDR is happens when the masses rise up to take what they think is thiers. I wonder if Vargas is related to the man being interrogated in that opening scene?

I laughed my ass off watching this film.

She sleeps to one side because she's used to sleeping next to her ex-husband.

Looks like we got us a college boy! (Just kidding I enjoyed your comment)

That's good TV writing at work.

David Thewliss?

I think she's going to turn out to be the robot from the story. She doesn't need computers because she is one. The automatic doors don't work because she's a soul-less automaton. (Those doors work on souls, right?)

Yes, I rewatched that recently. He's good in it.

The disappointment and resulting sadness of seeing an art movie on a date where your date ends up hating the film while you love it and want to talk about it is such a strange and specific kind of sadness. I wonder if there's a German word for it? (Don't try, people.)

Yup. Not ashamed either.

Great? No sir. A merely adequate effort by the Internet on this one.

I hope he brings the same dumbfounded old man energy he brought to independence day resurgence.

That's crazy!

I agree. What other film of 2016 is as surehanded and direct as Green Room?

Is it me or did he get real judgy on the wanna-be homeless dude?

Scott Baio is a retard.

Analyzing and criticizing films politically isn't really criticism to me. It's just a lazy game of "spot the injustice". Typical of a cloistered academic and a shortcut to actually analyzing the aesthetics of a work of art. I'll pass.

Who cares what the rating is? What do YOU think?

The encore of this special is hilarious.

Imagine how I feel…