wee willy

Passable? Yes. Good? Perhaps. Great? I think not, my dear friends.

Oh god does that show ever miss the mark.

No, it's a knock on my really small penis.

Actually none of those things are as I'm Canadian.

And a friendly robut what added it up for me!

I see what you mean, but that doesn't mean refusing deductions that you're entitled to, right? I'm not suggesting flim-flam offshore tax shelters, or anything. But a deduction for child-rearing, business expenses, or some such thing isn't wrong. It's not like they're handing off all your taxes to social programs

Not if you were gay or questioned his authority. Then you went to prison.

Yes it is. Why should you pay more if you don't have to?

You won't become an asshole, but you'll be annoyed when the tax man comes a-callin'.

He's turned into Mountain Dougie!

I wouldn't say overrated. When he's good, he's very good. When he's bad, he's Blood Work.

I'll forgive Eastwood anything. The guy's a legend, massively accomplished in front of and behind the camera. So he's a cranky old coot now. Big deal. No one's going to change their progressive views because he growled a few old man quips before heading off to the bathroom to pee for six hours. He's America's Moody

OR, maybe…. just maybe what's blacklisted him are his meager talents, fading looks, and the fact that he seems like kind of a giant asshole.

I don't agree about Legend being under-rated. I think the poor notices it received were right on the money.

Thanks for coming out troll.

I'll give you Ripley and Sarah Connor, but they've seen those. (AMC guide… Jesus, really? You're a real scholar of cinema. What's next? A list from Cracked?)

Also… Modern Theater? What the fuck does that mean? If you want to take the Pepsi challenge on movie history, just name the time and place. I will mom the floor with your dumb googling ass.

Yeah, I would have taken my kids to see Silence of the Lambs or Kill Bill, dipshit. I'm talking action blockbusters, moron. And Lara Croft Tomb Raider doesn't count.

Samuel L. Jackson was also nominated for an academy award for a Tarantino film. Way to leave out the black guy, AV Club.

Yes! Fury Road as well!