wee willy

I don't want to get all 'sincere' here, but between this and Force Awakens, I'm glad there's blockbusters I can take my daughters to that have women in the lead roles.

Son, we talked about this…

Dolan's Cadillac was made into a movie starring Wes Bentley.

Or a Netflix series.

Oh, and her band sucks.

I don't like that song either, but its not about a deadbeat, its about a Dad who has to go to work and isn't around for the kid's big moments. It's kind of a true song. The Dad's not a dick, he's just trying to keep the rent paid and food on the table. It's actually about a pretty good Dad as opposed to a deadbeat.

This time, indeed, the internet did a good job.

That might come in handy. I better rethink this…

I guess the old Polaroid and VHS camcorders are lookin' prett-ay good right about now.

I was that guy.

‘This is a home run, this is it, we’ve got it, this is the one.’ I know if that script comes in, we’ll be getting that call.”

‘What are the odds of capturing magic in a bottle twice?’ Pretty slim, since they didn't do it the first time.

News Flash: The Goonies was garbage. It needs a sequel like I need an asshole on my forehead.

That's good news for him. I thought Serial got really boring.

Looks like we got ourselves a coupla college boys…

The name or the vegetable?

So it doesn't rhyme with "Spicolli".

Batman has a few "tricks" up the sleeve of his giant fucking suit of armor.

I enjoyed the hell out of it. I didn't care about the flaws. I liked watching those two beat the shit out of each other.

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