wee willy

I don't think this is a case of the Cars losing out on exposure. I think it's more that they don't want their music being associated with a shitty band no one's ever heard of. It devalues the original in their view.

I don't think it's ridiculous. Make your own fuckin' music.

I enjoy them the most. They're totally campy and stupid. And it's clear that Moore couldn't give a shit. I like them.

I;d love to see another Blade. But what I really want is Passenger 58.

**sniffles** I'm very cross with him right now.

It made Octopussy look like Dodecapussy.

But with what they're offering him, he could do whatever he wants two times. Enough to Only Live Twice…

No, but money is a good reason to do a few more Bond movies.

They're movie actors. That relationship'll peter out in about eighteen months.

They offered him almost $100 million dollars to extend his contract. That's like offering him the world. And as we all know… The World is Not Enough.

I have no idea how to pronounce it.

If you pronounce it correctly, it doesn't sound like the vegetable.

Daniel Craig is a huge idiot to walk away from this cash cow. What's he holding out for? Dream House 2? Layer Cake: The Return? Cowboys and Aliens and Indians?

This movie was not very good BUT I laughed a lot.

Cimino's awful The Sicilian brought Jon Turturo to my attention.

I remember when that film came out so many critics were creaming their jeans over it. And so many of them were quoting and complimenting the Pinot Grapes speech. I realized it was because every critic thought that speech was about them personally.

I loved No Country. Drive bored the shit out of me.

Ah, it was good fun and it had a big emotional part. I had a lot of fun when I saw it and have no desire to revisit it.

That happened to me with Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I finally saw it at a rep theater and had heard every joke and bit before. Didn't laugh once.

That's the joy of these comments. I'm having the time of my life here!