wee willy

It's not very funny. Reminds me of those Broken Lizard movies that are also not very funny. Good concepts for jokes, terrible execution.

You damned fool!

When I finished reading the novel I was all "Robin Williams is such a dick in this book".

I have never understood why that movie was so beloved.

He's right. No one likes anyone else on here, but here we are…

Watch Good Will Hunting again. It's fucking terrible.

Gangsta Voice: "Wachoo talkin' about man?"
Mincing"Gay" Voice: "Oh stop! It's just the A/V Club"
Robin Williams Deep "Improvising" Voice: "It means A Vant To get off this comment board. Board. Surf board, surfin' safari! Bird is the word!"
Preacher Voice: "Can I get a Hallelujah!"

That is a great idea. I love lots of piece of shit movies for weird or personal reasons. Sometimes I'll forgive a whole bad movie because of one great shot or sequence.

To me "greatest producer in hip hop' is a very dubious honor.

I know, right? I am freaking loving this!

I hate to admit it, but part of me still admires The Fountainhead's message of 'be true to yourself'. But Atlas Shrugged ruined it for me when the message became "Money is the only God!"

That is absolutely true. 100%. I worshiped that book when I was 16-21. I went to re-read it about a year ago at 45 and could not fucking stand that stupid self-involved little shit.

I love Blade Runner, but you're right, the plot is straight-up boring. But the visuals and the atmosphere carry it.

Oh my God, how could I forget Grease. Terrible direction, goofy acting from the male gang members (how is lurching around like electrocuted mental cases 'cool'). The plot is razor thin, boring, and completely without stakes. Every character is a horrifying idiot. And the message is vomit-inducing. I was 8 when it came

I think you hit the nail on the head. It's not like we're supposed to root for the slave-owning plantation people. I do disagree that's it's boring. I think it's pretty good up until she marries Clark Gable, then it totally turns into a soap opera.

Uhg, that show was atrocious while patting itself on the back for being progressive.

Also, Gloria Grahame. Hachi-machi!

Like that one dreary episode that's about masturbation.

They're going to pass this comment around the boardroom, clapping each other on the back, wiping their brows in relief.

The phrase, "That not Moneyball baseball film" made me laugh. Thank you.