wee willy

Secret sucess, my ass! This movie BLOWS.

There was a great press kit shot on set of this movie. It pans from the end of the action in the scene past the cameras to video village, where John Landis is sitting with his back to everything talking on his phone. He looks up from the phone with a kind of "Huh. what?" expression, then realizes all eyes are on his

Oh wait, so he married his girlfriend's adopted daughter? What's the bog deal?

Of course! Vampires! There aren't enough of those in popular culture. What a stroke of genius. I hope they maintain all the turgid dramatics of the original!

The guy's a genius. I don't really care about his personal life. The fact is, a lot of artists we admire are monstrous behind closed doors.

He married his wife's adopted teenager daughter. It's just as grotesque, but let's be accurate.

Harris refused to do press for the movie and hates Cameron to this day. I asked him about Cameron yesterday and he was all "That son of a bitch!"

T2 and Aliens are the high water marks of the action genre.

I think like most writers, Cameron felt that since he wrote it, it belonged in the movie.

"…one hell of a ride. Afterward when you stopped to think about it, it didn't add up, but as a movie-going experience, it was a blast…" Kind of describes Avatar as well.

I saw this on the original release. It was one hell of a ride. Afterward when you stopped to think about it, it didn't add up, but as a movie-going experience, it was a blast. Years later when I watched the director's cut, I thought his additions actually hurt the movie — they took away the mystery and replaced it

For once this is truly a great job on the part of the internet.

Remember when finding a letterboxed DVD of your favorite movie was like finding the holy grail?

I had a few friends who treated their vinyls better than they treated their girlfriends back in college. They're single now and have been for a loooong time.

Don't forget the scratches, hisses, pops, and skips of Vinyl!

Oh God, I am SO relieved!

Copyright infringement never looked so good! This guy needs to get a life.

OR, a great set-up and not much of a payoff.

The truth is that notions of "cool" are nothing more than a bunch of consumer choices. Which is a really sad thing to base your self-image on.

A guy who's made four or five movies has a canon?