wee willy

Amen to that, brother. And being one is hard fucking work.

I really enjoyed it. Doesn't add up to much, but it's the kind of King you read and think "This could be a good movie in the right hands."

Your analysis song was a better read than any Hatesong.

I actually stopped liking Sting when I became a Dad.

Itr may be the last one he did that wasn't old mediaval shit. I read that he went into a long period of writer's block. But I'm too lazy to Google it…

So good, dude. Well said.

The whole "Dads are lame" thing is getting really boring.

Make it a contest? Jesus Christ, I hope there's sarcasm in your post that I'm missing.

But don't feel bad. They make this mistake all the time even in the film business. I was once almost fired by a production manager for pointing out this error on a prep schedule.

It's "principal photography" not "principle photography".

I bet Jeremy Renner fells like George Lazenby right about now…

Yeah, but Incredibles takes place in a world where it looks fun. Seeing a photorealistic guy stretching always looks silly to me.

The problem is the movies never focused on that stuff enough to make it matter.

I stand corrected. Stealth is a pretty cool power. But still, not REALLY cool.

Absolutely right. I think Wes Anderson should make a FF movie. Since all of his movies seem to be about families.

He made notes come out of a guitar like water flowing. Seeing him onstage was, and I don't use this term hyperbolically, transcendant. Not just a master showman, but an almost shamanistic performer. Loved him since Purple Rain in '84. Once drove to Minneapolis with my girlfriend and her brother just to go into the

I don't read comics, but my comic-reading friends assure me that Fantastic Four is a great series on paper. I think the problem with the FF in movies is that none of their superpowers are compelling. It would be fun to be Batman, Superman, or Spiderman, but being a stretchy guy, a human rock, a dude on fire, or an

Sick burn.

I caught on that he was setting Jimmy up as well, but it was glorious to watch. Jimmy's kind of a bastard, but his heart's in the right place. Chuck is kind of bastard and his heart is made of ice. And you sympathize with both guys. The writing on this show is miles ahead of anything on TV.

Fair enough.