wee willy

It might be an idea to change the title of these to "Things from the Internet" because a lame supercut hardly qualifies as a 'great' job'.

Beats most contemporary music by a fucking long shot.

No, do you really need BluRay quality for half in-focus indie crap?

Pirated screeners are DVD quality. I'm not talking about the one's people film off the screen.

You'll be able to watch their pirated screeners online soon enough. Or on VOD soon after that.

How is this in any way a "great" job?

Awesome, you answered a question I had above. The robot dog deal should be a big feature of this movie.

Isn't there like, a stealthy killer robot dog that pursues Montag at one point? Or am I remembering a different novel?

He's a regular Francis Coppola.

Well, funny takes on super whoroes are better than gritty reboots.

They should have called it "Snoopers"

But this started with Deadpool! … unless the fey quipping in the Avengers movies counts.

I liked this the first time I saw it… when it was Warlock.

Thanks Deadpool. Now every superhero movie has to be a comedy. Er, I mean an intentional comedy.


I think that's what hurts a lot of King adaptations.

I disagree with every bad review of this movie. It was awesome. Had me from the get-go and I walked in with my knives sharpened to hate it.

I've read all the books. I have no high hopes for them being adapted remotely well. King's best work is interior, all the important stuff takes place in people's minds, thoughts, impressions… Never translates well to the screen.


This is absolutely true. Always live like you'll never work again.