wee willy

I don't agree. Little Danny Lloyd in Kubrick's version was watchable and sympathetic, so was Henry Thomas in E.T. But the kid in the Shining miniseries took me RIGHT out of the movie. Also, "Hey, it's the guy from Wings!"

I saw some cracks in Alien last time I watched it. BUT, that's after 36 years of watching it once every coupla years or so.

No, the name of the movie is Knock Knock. (Getting ready for Abbot and Costello-style hilarity ensuing)

Great opener. Does ANYONE edit this site?

I don't trust grown men who let themselves be called "Kenny".

I like when Rhianna's all "Yes sir!" and shit.

I would literally murder someone to see that right now! Imagine him on a bus or whatnot being all "Whaaaa?"

Why is he chopping hay at the start?

I find her grotesque.

He out out the fire with his big shoe…

It has a fun undertone of satirizing Slacktivist culture.

It's a good short if you fast-forward through the shitty parts.

Knock Knock.

I liked the Hostel movies and Green Inferno. But you know, the spewy blood parts, not the talky parts.

Is this a remake of the Italian movie from a few years back?

I sure do.

I hope he plays Indy with that beard and hair and like a lunatic. Like the useless cretin John Hurt played in Crystal Skull,

Lawyer jokes are the best jokes.

Really? I've been doing it wrong all these years!

In all fairness I've seen it a LOT of times, so maybe I'm just getting bored with it. Still gorgeous, though.