wee willy

Mother Nature already did.

…yes (looks down in shame)

This week in totally pointless remakes.

Is there an audience for this?


Because boners take the blood away from your brain, thereby throwing off your perception of height.

Margot Robbie is far to pretty-looking to convincingly play Tonya Harding.

That's enough out of you, college boy.

Remember this show takes place in the past.

Good trailer. Tells me absolutely nothing about the movie — except that David Spade is sure about something or other… and I think there's a mummy.

Sadly, I did not learn to conserve my bullets until it was too late. I blasted away at that confounded creature until I was empty and HE STILL KEPT COMING!

"Adam Sandler’s The Ridiculous 6 didn’t turn out to be as unspeakably terrible as people expected/hoped it would be." Oh yes it did, sir! Oh yes it did!

Also, Wesker's repeated "Ah, there you are!" when you're clearly 50 meters away and hiding behind something…

My personal favorite is 4. Mainly because it was the first video game that honestly, truly scared me. Low ammo, low health, and a shuddering rubber mutant man monster that shoots out spikes slowly lurching after me. I'm furiously rushing to avoid him while desperately searching for a way to kill him in a state of

I second that hachi machi.

Even the Director's Cut is draggy. It's still a visionary and great film, but as a story it's kind of slow.

Who didn't?

Good point.

Masturbating all the time is not "a phase".

Couldn't he have funded this thing with some of his Thriller money?