wee willy

Tangentially Aware of The Walking Dead

I think you're onto something hereā€¦

"On the nose" is what people says when they see a good idea they really, really wish they came up with.

Patrick Fabian is crazy good as Howard. He's not flashy, but damn he knows what he's doing.

"Should we go now?"
"No, he;s looking down at the pool. He won't see us!"
"Let's at least go up there and duck down until he's looking in our direction."
"How will we know if he's looking if we're ducking down?"
"Just peek every couple of seconds. Hurry before the kids gets out of the pool!"

I don't think that's an accurate depiction of Apocalypse Now's reception at the time.

The other problem with the miniseries of The Shining was that little fish-faced motherfucker they cast as Danny. God that kid was unappealing.

Jodorowsy's Dune probably would have looked something like Barbarella in it's execution.

Not sure I agree that it has anything to do with cyberpunk, but I do agree that despite it's critical reputation, Blade Runner is a tad, shall we say, bloated in the middle sections. It loses narrative momentum for a good 40 minute stretch. Which is probably why critics panned it on its initial release.

"Incalculable brilliance" is not a phrase any intelligent critic should use. It's empty hyperbole and means nothing.

It's like he had to get the Bergman and Fellini shit out of his system and see what worked and what didn't, figure out his voice, and then he was free to have an incredible run of movies through the 80's and into the 90's.

If you're too hungover to function, movies and tv shows are the least of your concerns you disgusting pack of rummies!

Why do you keep feeding me?

Your numbers are way off. I smell Google.

Like almost every comic book ever published?

Second highest grossing Star Trek movie of all time. They did something right.

Yes, but the box office of Into Darkness suggests a lot of people went more than once. But hey, maybe they'll get a round table of prickly dorks together to ensure the next one is to your liking.

Well put. I totally agree.

Not as sorry as I am.

There's nose blowing porn? YES! **is never seen again**