wee willy

"Great Job, Internet"? or "Something From Internet". This was not very good.

Will John Hurt be back as "Irritating Cretin"?

I have no sympathy for these guys. Make your own stuff.

king of Comedy is a comedy of manners in a lot of ways. So not quite "ha ha" funny.

I rag on you guys for your reviews, but this is the most intelligent review I've read for this film. (Spoilers Ahead) I found that the final moments in the film suggested that Tarantino sees America as a place where we might one day solve the problems and conflicts of race, but that we will NEVER be willing to address

Someone should write an article about the arbitrary rules Rotten Tomatoes uses and what they count as a "review".

"It's unfair to compare this to 30 Rock" **spends review comparing it to 30 Rock (when not recounting the plot)** Critics are beneath contempt.

I would argue that Claire is not a fascinating character, she's just played by a fascinating actress. I think she's actually terribly-written and her attitudes change depending on the needs of the plot.

Box office is a reflection on bums in seats. Bums in seats is the sole reason the movie business exists. If lots of people went, it means they wanted to see that particular story. Not everyone's a frustrated hipster, son.

No one's talking to you, nerd.

"Credits We Like" Uhg.

"Later on, he uses the fuel from the fuel tank and the rocket launcher to set fire to a lake in Alexandria—the fire draws in the zombies, and they all die. This is borderline ridiculous." THIS IS YOUR OBJECTION TO A SHOW ABOUT DEAD PEOPLE GETTING UP AND WALKING AROUND? THIS PART WAS "FAKE" TO YOU?

Alright, I'll bite.

They're feminist because the main character isn't "pretty"? That's not a very sophisticated observation.

I've noticed that Flynn's books tend to have great set-ups and terrible endings. They're readable and fun, but then you get to the end and it all falls apart, Also, am I alone in thinking Gone Girl was a high-budget Lifetime movie?

Yes, we get it, Lucas fucked up Star Wars. Let it go…

Teamsters brawling is news? I would think them NOT brawling would be news.

That would be a really interesting movie… for you.

Loved this show. I hope they come back on Netflix.

…except it's terrible