wee willy

I love their Indian frozen dinners!

Con Air should be on the list over Sweet Hereafter.

What's wrong with male fantasy?

I didn't think Terminator:Gynysys was good, but I enjoyed seeing Arnie as the Terminator again.

Me, too. Love Magnolia! I also love BN and Punch Drunk. Everything since then has felt like the cinematic equivalent of a cumbersome novel you have to read for a class. I appreciated them, but also kind of had to endure them. And The Master is a downright bore.

When I read it at 15, Catcher in the Rye was the greatest novel I ever read. When I read it at 46, I wanted to strangle Holden just to make him shut the fuck up for two seconds.

Also the guy who played Mike was a bad actor… like community theatre bad.

The writing on this particular episode was attrocious. I can't believe a professional showrunner let this garbage get to camera.

Nicely done.

This show sounds as offensive as "the man in the high castle". Which is to say, not offensive because it's speculative FICTION!

Yay etymology nerds!

They are both fucking terrible pieces of celluloid shit.

Don't make your own movie. There's too many shitty indies out there.

"Ashtrays full of butts" not "buds".

Oh cool! I did not know that. I'll. check it out. Thanks friend!

I've only watched the pilot, but I bet the gender fluid kid raped the girl.

I hated the shooting style of the movie. I can see why Darabont chose it (to save time) but it looks like a wedding video sometimes.

Why would you even WANT an all-male room? All day in a room with stinky dudes talking about shitting and fucking when they're not writing.

Thank you for articulating that much more elegantly than I could manage!

That nuclear test sequence is the most haunting and amazing thing I've ever seen on television.