Will Clark

Do not participate in this crap. It’s all advertising 

Do not participate in this crap. It’s all advertising 

Actually, this is about Washington’s NFL team, the Seahawks.

Transportation, as we used to say at Greenpeace, is not a solution. Neither is dilution or transportation.

I fully expect that if Trump’s tweets were to actually get him in any trouble, he would vehemently deny that he ever had any control over the account, and even if he did control the account, he was just kidding, and even if he wasn’t kidding, they were just words and words can’t hurt people, and even if they did hurt

Uh, YES. I’ve never seen a QB get criticized as much as Russell Wilson does every time he says or does something new.

what does a tiny guitar have to do with the nfl’s discipline system.

i think the most impressive thing about Gattis is the fact his bats are made of frozen Genoa salami and he still hits em that far

I always thought it would be awesome if the fans of Entourage and the fans of Sex and the City could be introduced at the world’s largest Brotastic/Basic Bitch Mixer, and then be shipped off to Wish Fulfillment Island where they could live out their lives as a never-ending cycle of roofies, brunch and credit card debt.

I never thought I’d say this, but I’m pulling for A-Rod to pass everybody. Fuck it, I want A-Rod to hold the career records for homers, RBIs, hits, and literally everything else. I want Rodriguez to start pitching and win a fuckload of Cy Youngs.