Will Clark

Kelly Slater.

Memes are all we have now.

I have to say, whoever is the new visual artist over at Gawker Media over the last couple months...you are crushing it.

Basewars. Look it up.

J-Bay Hello.

We inherited the instinct to draw lines around “us” and “them” based on color. In doing so it became an automatic response to foreign threats creating the illusion of tribal safety.

Could Adderall consumption be any more obvious here?

I've never seen a team look so consistently jacked in the fourth quarter as the Seahawks. Absolutely jacked. Not just playing jacked but flying around after every play giving every player a high five. Always with the linear rants that never come full circle in

Can someone please with Minecraft skills recreate the real estate cheeseball video in Minecraft?

Here's a reverse-masturbation story about a friend of mine.

Reno NV - The Flumes. Everybody's favorite irrigation canals you can take pool floaties down in the summer: