
That to me was the real revelation … seriously Miranda? What were your male role models all male models?

Thanks for stopping here to read this. You have been eaten by a grue.

He needs to cleanse himself of slug slime in the waters of Lake Minnetonka

In northern Minnesota Crown Royal is referred to as Vitamin Brown, oh and home gamers can add Hamms to your shitty beer list.

Captain Obvious thinks you all are missing something.

A strip joint in my neighborhood used to use those instead of dollar bills. New dancers always mistook them for quarters initially and hilarity would ensue.

Hey Kanye … do you like fish sticks?

And then we are going to Nebraska … YEEEEAAAHHHHHHH!

And tiny weiners can be found among those in the Shire.

Big Gay Al heartily agrees.

His Wordstar crashed so he had some spare time anyway.

Man-Bear-Pig heartily agrees.

The cheesy is strong with this one.

I like your style, Katey throttling the life out of her would make great TV. Or introduce waitress Lea's boyfriend as a new character fry cook who immediately offs himself to escape her catterwalling. Instant Emmy!

The real spoiler on this show is that similar to Mystery Science Theater 3000 there will be a row of seats superimposed on the screen with people talking loudly and drowning out the dialog.

R Kelly thinks Zendaya is the perfect choice … FOR HIM TO POOP ON!

The Cameron character continues to get less and less believable with each episode, and she started out as phony as hell. The best part of the show in Toby Huss may have a storyline worth following, he upbraids Cameron for living at the office yet at the end of the show we see him bedding down for the night in his

I'm barely hanging on now and I liked the show from the onset. I thought Gordon just got gutted like a fish. Too weak to dispatch the bird or enter Joe's office and seemingly equivocating over everything in the project he has lost all his strength. Add in the wife who yearns for more from her career when the upward

misogyny - find out what it means to meeee

Yes, poor people around the planet with herpes.