
Deja Vu: Don't take it so hard Nick, life is filled with it's little miseries, each of us in his own way must learn to deal with adversity in a mature and adult fashion.

Wow makes you think don't it? If my boss had a vagina it would mean I no longer work for a tech company … LIFE TURNED UPSIDE DOWN!

I believe we have a winner here with "smarmy".

This fucking guy. What a couple days for assholery it's been, Kanye, Simmons and now Limpwick.

He didn't have a hall pass from kanye or else he would have used a worse word.

Hold up …. Bitch you shore you ain't a hobbit?

Inject fat into the ass, try to get fat out of the ass, such a roller coaster.

He needs to get with the times, everyone know it's called a Baldwin pass now.

I'm in, this whole waiting for it to fall in the ocean on it's own plan is taking far too long.

Where were you when Randy Marsh could have used your insight?

Named "Derp" of course.

I will flip the coin if someone wants to call it.

I for one welcome our new insect overlords.

Necrophelia? So he did bang the Lohan after all?

It's already twice as revolutionary as Two Broke Girls according to my math so suck on that CBS.

No Lola Falana?? … I'll have to pass.

With gratuitous cameltoe I hope, a furious cameltoe.

You're a good egg Noonan, now pick up that gum wrapper.

sufferin fuksticks, I can't even blame this one on autocorrect. Now I have to go all the way back to the dam.

"Blessed by Harvey Weinstein himself" would make a good horror flick title.